Terms & Conditions

Related Information:-
Bihar Animal Husbandry is a state level non-governmental organization (NGO) registered by the Government of Bihar. Which works to increase the income of livestock farmers in the animal husbandry sector and to provide products for livestock at reasonable prices, as well as to provide the benefits of livestock related schemes to livestock farmers. Bihar Animal Husbandry is working in the animal husbandry sector to increase the income of farmers / livestock farmers and to create awareness at the rural level about various aspects of livestock such as food, housing, milk production, health nutrition and management, fodder management, primary veterinary maintenance management and to provide information about the purchase and sale of high quality products related to livestock to the livestock farmers as well as to create awareness.
Discussion on rules related to application form fee:-
 On behalf of Bihar Animal Husbandry, suitable applications are invited by the Institute from Indians. A common version of the application for recruitment is widely publicized through the official website of the Institute, news, SMS and media channels.
 Application fee is accepted by the Institute through online (Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI etc.) for each post. This fee amount is non-refundable.

Terms and Conditions :- Only online application will be approved for applying for any post. Before applying online, the applicant should ensure that he fulfills all the eligibility conditions under the conditions mentioned in the advertisement and the relevant rules and all the information required in the online application form has been filled correctly and completely in the relevant column. Considering the information filled in the online application form as correct, admission will be given in the examination in a provisional form. Therefore, the applicant himself will be responsible for the information filled in the online application form. Applicants should upload their latest photograph only while filling the online application. The selection of the candidate will be done as per the procedure given in the release. No guide-book etc. has been approved for the examination by the Organization of Bihar Animal Husbandry , nor will it be done in future.Information regarding any notification or change related to the exam will be given through either the email address given by the candidate or SMS.

After passing the exam, the candidate will be asked to fill a contract-circular, the format of which will be sent to the candidate on the email address given by the institute.

If the work target remains zero for 6 months, the appointment will be considered terminated automatically.
No allowance of any kind will be provided to the selected candidate.
The Organization will not provide any kind of housing / office, allowance to the candidate 2 years before the appointment and after the expiry of the time period, it will be considered by the management department of the institute in view of the work skills of the candidate.
Interested candidates applying for more than one post in the institute will have to apply online separately.
The Organization reserves the right to cancel the application without any constituted committee action if the selected candidate is found involved in criminal activities.
The work responsibilities of various posts can be determined as per the notification issued by the institute.
The nature of work responsibilities will remain unchanged.
 Candidates / employees selected in the schemes being run by the institute and the upcoming schemes will be able to participate in it voluntarily.
The Organization Pays monthly salary for working according to the rules and targets on each of the above mentioned posts. If the target is not achieved, a proportionate deduction is made in the monthly salary and the payment is made. Bonus and other allowances are given as per rules.

Proposes to run the following schemes:-

Gobar Gas Plant Scheme
Organic Manure Scheme
Kadaknath Scheme
Animal Insurance Scheme
Pig Farming
Bee Keeping
Poultry Farming
Goat Farming

Refund Policies:-

If the selected candidate cancels his selection after depositing the amount for purchasing the animal products, the balance amount will be refunded after deducting 35% of the amount.
If the selected candidate is unable to sell the product after taking it, he may request to cancel his selection and return the product to the Institute under the Institute’s product refund policy. To obtain a refund, the Institute has to first refund the money after deducting fifty (50) percent from the price at which the product was given. The product can then be resold by the Institute.
If the customer/reactor/farmer requests a refund within seven days of the date of purchase, the sales assistant may return the product to the Corporation. The Institute will take the final decision in the matter if the products are in resaleable condition.
This website is designed, developed and maintained by Bihar Animal Husbandry , Department of Information Technology and Communication.

Welcome to Bihar Animal Husbandry.

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