Organic Fertilizer Scheme

“Organic Manure Scheme” is a scheme that aims towards the proper use of organic manures in agriculture. This scheme attempts to support farmers who want to manage organic elements in their farming and produce clean and healthy manures. Under the Organic Manure Scheme, farmers get information and tips on the proper use of organic manures such as cow dung compost, vermicompost (agricultural compost with microbes), Jeevamrut (organically prepared liquid manure), and other organic fertilizers.

The aim of this scheme is that farmers can keep their land safe and healthy and cultivate high quality products through organic farming. Apart from this, Organic Manure Scheme also attempts to provide farmers access to advanced technical information and equipment to farm in an organic way. Through this scheme, the practice of organic manures in the agricultural sector is promoted and a healthy, and pollution-free farming system is supported.

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