Bio Gas Plant Scheme

Gobar gas plant, also known as biogas plant, is an energy source produced using cow dung (cow dung) and other bacterially-synthesized biomaterials. It is a prime way of providing an inert, inexpensive and eco-friendly energy source.
In a gobar gas plant, cow dung is kept in a sealed container, which contains bacteria and other listed organisms. These bacteria decompose the cow dung and produce methane gas, which is called biogas. This biogas can be used to generate energy for various purposes.
Biogas obtained from gobar gas plant can be used in various places, such as entrepreneurship in villages in rural areas, to generate electricity for home use, to prepare hot water, and to use for cooking on gas stove.
 Biogas plants can be developed as a sustainable, clean, and local energy source that also saves the environment by properly managing dung and bacterially synthesized biomaterials.

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