Main Objectives :-
1) To provide financial support to animal keepers, conduct animal husbandry-animal management training certificate program in the entire state.
2) To establish and run all types of animal farms and provide information related to it to animal keepers.
3) To guide and train people interested in setting up dairy and give them documents related to this experience.
4) To provide information about institutions and banks giving loans for setting up dairy, animals, animal farms etc. and to provide training to those seeking loan by entering into contracts with all those institutions, banks etc.
5) To provide information about all types of government animal husbandry related schemes to common animal keepers.
6) To organize the following types of short term training programs through veterinarians and issue their experience certificates.
• Animal health maintenance and management training.
• To provide information about diseases in animals and their prevention and benefits.
• To give information about primary home remedies and benefits in animals.
• To give information about artificial insemination in livestock production and breed improvement.
• Benefits of timely castration and vaccination in animals.
• Information and prevention of seasonal diseases in animals.
• To give training in good nutrition and fodder management of animals.
7) To do animal service work by opening veterinary hospital, animal service center, animal husbandry knowledge center at district level etc. by the institute.
8) To do and get the work of insurance of animals done.
9) To prevent cruelty towards animals under the Animal Cruelty Act, illegal animal transportation, illegal cow transportation, transportation of animals without proper arrangement and against the rules, transportation of indigenous cows, to cooperate by forming ART (Animal Rescue Team) on receiving information for taking legal action illegally and to make proper arrangement of confiscated animals.
10) To use vehicles having special permission for animal rescue team and to provide identity card and uniform to the team members.
11) To try to get the status of national animal for Indian native cow.
12) To work for animal related schemes of central and state government.